
Affiliationally WordPress Plugin

Affiliationally WP is a Wordpress plugin for managing Affiliates (=friends’ sites) for fansites from within WordPress. Affiliate Categories and Affiliates are added through the WordPress panel and displayed with shortcodes in posts or pages. Affiliationally WP comes with the following features:

  • import Categories, Affiliates and Link Buttons from the Affiliationally php script
  • 4 different image sizes for every affiliate
  • lots of displaying options
  • widget
  • apply form with akismet and additional spam protection
  • notification emails (application and approval)
  • overview in the dashboard, indicator for unapproved affiliates
  • update function included
  • use on all your “owned” fansites

You can find detailed instructions over here. Affiliationally WP has not been tested on WP multisite.


Release date:December 1, 2016
Last updated:May 12, 2024
Current version:1.2
Product type:WordPress plugin
File format:zip
File size:97
Requirements:WordPress 6.5.3
Price:10,00€ EUR