
This is Keepers of the Peace, the fanlisting for Star Wars: [+] Jedi.

For thousands of years, the Jedi have been the protectors of all living creatures in the galaxy, using their ultimate power, the <a href="http://inspirationally.net/force">Force</a>, fighting with their weapon, the lightsaber, and at the same time being the wisest beings existing. if you feel the force inside yourself and don't plan to follow the dark path of the Sith, feel free to grab one of the Jedi holocrons on the codes page and with some mind tricking and filling out the form, make yourself appear on the list.

Site Stats

This fanlisting has a total count of 543 Jedi + 2 Padawans. It was last updated December 15, 2024. The fanlisting was opened February 1, 2005 and is approved by thefanlistings.org. This fanlisting was made by Martina and is part of Inspirationally.

The previous owner was the amazing Heather who adopted it from Original owner Kim.


what is a fanlisting?

By definition of the Fanlistings Network a fanlisting is a place where "fans from around the world submit their information to their approved fanlisting and they are then listed to show their love for the subject."
So this is a place where all the people who really like Star Wars: [+] Jedi can submit their information to build the biggest listing.


I am not affiliated with Star Wars: [+] Jedi or anything related in any way nor have I contact to them. This is a non profit site made by a fan for fans. All pictures, names, trademarks, etc. are copyright their original users and used under fair use - the layout copyright by me.